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The Road to Homecoming! | Salt Lake City, UT to Omaha, NE

14 Aug 2024

Making our way to Milwaukee

It's the second stretch of our ride from Los Angeles to Milwaukee for the 2024 Harley-Davidson Homecoming Rally and our 5 day dealer tour continues! We started out the day in Salt Lake City with a quick homemade AirBnB breakfast before hitting the road to Cheyenne, Wyoming. Unfortunately, due to our dealer tour schedule, most of the 5 days of this trip were spent on I80 but we still had a good time putting down some miles on the interstate. With some nothing but gas stop snacks, we bolted to Cheyenne, pulling into town with just enough time to find some local grub before the meet & greet. One of the High Country HD employees recommended Pour Decisions Bar & Grill down the street, so that's what we had! The event went well and we got to meet some amazing people from near and far. Pioneer Days was in town and we couldn't find an affordable room, so we got back on the road to Sidney, Nebraska where we found a good night's stay at a local AirBnB after a good 'ol AppleBee's dinner. We tried to get into a well known local steak joint, but they just happened to be shut down for the day. Gotta do what you gotta do!

The following day was smooth sailing, making our way to Defiance Harley-Davidson in Omaha, Nebraska. Time was tight with no real food stops, but after another great meet & greet at the dealership, we found The Drover for a good steak dinner, which had nothing but incredible views online and from locals. 

Lance and Gaylin rested up while Josh stayed up until 3am to get an edit done, then we continued the tour towards Milwaukee the following day!

Focus on the Journey

Gearing up for long trips can be rough, but we've got you covered! Check out our catalog of products and feel free to reach out with any questions!

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