What are the Best Brands of Motorcycle Helmets? Our Feedback

What are the Best Brands of Motorcycle Helmets? Our Feedback
When we started our YouTube channel (2LaneLife) years ago we never imagined it growing into what the company has become today, and we’re looking forward to expanding in the future while sharing our experiences along the way.

And when it comes to common questions we get around motorcycle helmets whether it’s for Harley-Davidsons or other motorcycles of all types, we thought it would be helpful to share our thoughts after spending many thousands of miles on the road.

Which motorcycle helmets are most comfortable?
This is a complicated question because it all depends on you – your anatomy, riding style (weekend cruise vs road trip) and so much more. The most comfortable motorcycle helmet for you will ultimately be a blend of what makes you feel safe, free and also provides the tech you need to communicate with your crew (e.g. integrating with Cardo PackTalk).

What helmets do Harley riders wear?
Harley riders typically rock a few types of helmets including full-face helmets, open-face helmets, modular helmets, half-shells and others. At the same time, if you’re taking a cruise on the weekend the helmet you choose will be different from a helmet for a road trip so be sure to plan in advance.

What is the best motorcycle helmet brand?
Deciding the best of anything is difficult, and when looking at motorcycle helmet brands there’s no definitive answer – it all depends on you. What style do you prefer, color scheme, etc.? For us, Bell Helmets have always been our go to.

These are only a few of the questions we get on a regular basis around motorcycle helmets and if you want to learn more let’s connect.